Employee Attitude Surveys
To manage an effective workforce it is important to
have a clear up-to-date understanding of the issues concerning your
employees. What factors in the workplace contribute to or detract
from their ability to effectively get their job done. What do they
appreciate about their job and working for your organization? What
frustrates them? What motivates them?
Using an outside consultant has several advantages.
The chief advantage is that employees are reassured that confidentiality
will be respected and that the analysis is unbiased and objective.
In addition, an experienced and knowledgeable
expert can: help identify the kinds of questions that yield
useful information, efficiently analyse the responses and identify
significant trends. An experienced outsider will help you reconcile
the survey results with your observations. Huntly's fluency in English
and French is very useful when surveys are conducted in both languages.
In one organization, Huntly Duff analyzed their bi-annual
survey three times over the past six (6) years. Each time there
was a marked improvement in problem areas identified in previous
surveys. This organization, which has 15 locations across Canada,
has noted a positive correlation between survey results and financial
results. Although senior management has excellent communication
throughout the organization, each year they find a few surprises.
In the vast majority of areas without surprises, they are comforted
by the confirmation that they still know what is really going on
across the country. |