  Polices & Handbooks
  Focused Employees
  Shaping Organizations
  Good Relations
  Health & Safety




Large and Small Organizations

Over the years Huntly has taken the Human Resources concepts developed for large sophisticated organizations and refined and simplified them for dynamic small organizations or independent divisions. This skill is very valuable to large organizations that acquire new assets or strategic partners, as well as the entrepreneur wanting to maintain a sharp competitive edge.


Huntly has worked at locations (head offices, plants & branches) ranging in size from 20 to 4,000 employees and has held Human Resources or Labour Relations responsibilities for units ranging anywhere in size from 12 to 1,400 employees.


While Corporate Personnel Manager for Consumers Packaging and as Director of Human Resources for Rolland's Paper Merchants (now know as Cascade Resources), Huntly tailored large corporate Human Resources polices for the small start-ups and independent, entrepreneurial branches ranging in size from 12 to 120 employees.

Public Sector

At a small French-language school board and a small French-language Ontario Community College of applied arts and technology he helped adapt policies and procedures originally designed for large community colleges.

Across Canada and the U.S.

Huntly has worked extensively in Ontario and Quebec as well as other provinces and the United States. When the corporate Human Resources function was created at Consumers Packaging in 1980 Huntly spent several years writing, implementing and refining Human Resources Policies for both the Canadian and U.S. operations. He appreciates the legal and cultural differences in managing and compensating employees in both countries.

The understanding gained by this experience is particularly helpful to Americans learning to manage the unique legal and Human Resources aspects of their Canadian operations.